Juan Carlos Alom

<p>Juan Carlos Alom</p>

Juan Carlos Alom was born in Havana, Cuba in 1964. He actively works in experimental photography as well as in film and video. His photographs have been presented in numerous exhibitions in Cuba, the United States, Germany, France and Italy. Alom lives and works in Spain. His work often incorporates elements of ritual, magical realism, Cuban religion and culture set into tableaux that he photographs afterwards. His works communicate a personal imagery while also reflecting upon universal themes.

“The photographer manipulates his photographs in the darkroom, combines realistic and artistic components with the result that his work seems to be magically estranged.” With these words, Erika Billeter characterized Aloms work in her book “Viva la vida. Kuba - eine Begegnung in Bildern”.

His portraits of the black youth and the Cuban hippies are contrasting refreshingly with the traditional Cuban documentary photography.