Good Growth Fund

The Good Growth was initiated by Michael Horbach in may 2008 with the objective to combine the idea of social business with the principles of socially responsible investments. Michael Horbach sees this as a sustainable option for the future. Therefore he invested half of his fortune in the fund.

The Good Growth Fund invests in socially responsible investment funds that engage in social, ecologic and ethical projects, especially in the microfinance sector. This asset class invests in microfinance institutes that hand out loans especially to women and small businessmen in emerging and developing countries. Since loans and receivables carry interest at market rates, the investor receives both a fair interest rate and a high social return.

The main objective of the asset investment strategy of the Good Growth Fund is to receive a balanced and sustainable yield-/risk relationship for its investors by combining various asset classes. At least 20% of the funds go towards microfinance institutions that provide small loans to the disadvantaged as a basis for income generation and the improvement of their living conditions.

As a balanced mutual fund with flexible management approach, the fund ensures also the profitability for its investors by investing in the global stock and bond markets. By using a variable strategy the risk of inflation is reduced. Investors can take an active part in the Good Growth Fund, be it in one-time investments of 500€ or in regular payments of 50€ monthly.

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